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L'Audace was published by Socetà Anonima Editori Vecchi in Italy.


L'Audace was a weekly magazine for travel, sports and adventure from the start in 1934. Its initial format was changed to a larger one (27 x 39 cm) from issue #35 and began to include comics from #60 in 1935. The format changed once more from #95 (27 x 39 cm).

From #60 the magazine had 16 pages and was printed in b/w and color, before to be reduced to 12 pages from #182.

The magazine reprinted the first seven Sunday stories with Mandrake. From the beginning with full pages in color on the back cover, then from issue #147 in b/w or in color inside the magazine, sharing the page with other material.

In this series using an inversed name, Mandrake appears under the title of "Drakemanre dalla magia" but, at the end, the stories were simply released under the more gerenic title of "Il re della magia". Lothar was renamed Otto.

Issue overview

  • "Il regno segreto degli assassini" ("The Hidden Kingdom of Murderers"), starts in #87-1935 and ends in #91-1935. incomplete: the five last strips only
  • "Mandrake nel paese dei fachiri" ("Land of the Fakirs"), starts in #92-1935 and ends in #110-1936.
  • "Mandrake e i nani Shinder" ("Land of the Little People"), starts in #111-1936 and ends in #131-1936.
  • "Mandrake e i segreti dei circo" ("The Circus People"), starts in #132-1936 and ends in #156-1936. note: in b/w from #147
  • "Gli uomini di cristallo" ("Chamber into the X Dimension"), starts in #178-1937 and ends in #205-1937. note: in color from #178
  • "Mandrake contro il tiranno" ("Prince Paulo the Tyrant"), starts in #206-1937 and ends in #230-1938.
  • "Mandrake alla caccia del tesoro" ("The Treasure Hunt"), starts in #231-1938 and ends in #254-1938.


In the 70s all issues was reprinted into several books. The Mandrake stories one find in #2 - #12 (reprint L'Audace #8 to #258).