Comics 130

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Comics 130 was a French comic fanzine bimonthly published, from October 1970 and April 1974, by Futuropolis at the time just a Parisian bookstore specializing in comics, founded by Robert Roquemartine, before to turn into an official publisher which later released albums of the series "Futuropolis Copyright".

The name "Futuropolis" was taken in homage to the eponymous science fiction classical comic created in 1937 by French artist Pellos and the number "130" was chosen from the street location of the comics store (130 rue du Théatre, Paris).

Nine "Comics 130" issues - and one extra issue devoted to the "Masked Cucumber" characer by Nikita Mandryka - were released, "Mandrake the Magician" being only featured in the "Comics 130 (issue 3), third publicaton of the series.

The store was sold in 1977 to help the "Futuropolis" publisher to launch its specific catalog of reissues of American classics as the "Futuropolis Copyright" collection with a success witch also allow the expression of a new wave of cartoonists of the 70's and 80's in various other reviews of the publisher.

Regular issues

Extra issue