Les maîtres de la bande dessinée / Bande pourpre

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Les maîtres de la bande dessinée
Bande pourpre
Bande chamois

First Mandrake issue
Country/language: France / French
Publishing company: Hachette
Publishing years: 1973-1975
Issues: 25
Format: 22x29.5 cm, color

Issue overview

Les maîtres de la bande dessinée

  • "Guy l'Éclair (Flash Gordon)" by Dan Barry: La Fusée hors du temps (73-IX & 74-I), L'île à double face (73-IX)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the two "Richard le Téméraire" books.
  • "Mandrake" by Lee Falk and Phil Davis: Face aux géants (73-IX), La montagne interdite (73-X)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the two "Richard le Téméraire" books.
  • "Pim Pam Poum (The Katzenjammer Kids)" by Harold Knerr: Les incorrigibles (73-XI), Attaquent (74-III)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the two "Richard le Téméraire" books.
  • "Illico (Bringing up Father)" by Frank Fletcher: A du cran (73-X), S'en moque (74-III)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the two "Richard le Téméraire" books.
  • "Prince Vaillant (Prince Valiant)" by Harold Rudolf Foster: L'épée enchantée (74-I), Le complot diabolique (74-II)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the two "Richard le Téméraire" books.
  • "Richard le Téméraire (Tim Tyler's Luck)" by Lyman Young: L'éléphant blanc (74-I), La vallée mystérieuse(74-III)
    • On back cover: back list for all 12 issues and for the Bande pourpre series.
  • Note: On the back cover there is a printing date. The list might be incorrect due to several re-print of each issue, with other printing dates on the back cover.

Issues with Mandrake

Bande pourpre

  • "Guy l'Éclair (Flash Gordon)" by Dan Barry: Le proscrit de l'espace (74-I)
  • "Illico (Bringing up Father)" by Frank Fletcher: Se rebiffe (74-IV)
  • "Mandrake" by Lee Falk and Phil Davis: La nuit des héros (74-V)
  • "Pim Pam Poum (The Katzenjammer Kids)" by Harold Knerr: Et que ça saute! (74-V)
  • Note: On the back cover there is a printing date. The list might be incorrect due to several re-print of each issue, with other printing dates on the back cover. All issues have a back list for all the Les maîtres de la bande dessinée and Bande pourpre issues.

Issues with Mandrake

Flyer ad (Editions Hachette) for the series

Bande chamois

  • "Les espadons" by Deynis and Christian Gaty: Pour une poignée de perles (74-VI)
    • The cover have a different layout and the book is without any back list.
  • "Le Fantôme (The Phantom) by Lee Falk and Sy Barry: L'ombre qoi marche (74-X), Le justicier de la jungle (74-X)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues and the following "Prince Vaillant" book, but not the "Les espadons" book.
  • "Prince Vaillant (Prince Valiant)" by Harold Rudolf Foster: Le roi de Thulé (74-XI)
    • On back cover: back list for all issues, but not the "Les espadons" book.

The cover layout changing.

  • "Dr. Fu-Manchu" by Juliette Benzoni and Robert Bressy: Le maître du monde (75-I)
    • On back cover: back list for all previous issues and the following "Rip Kirby" book, but not the "Les espadons" book.
  • "Rip Kirby" by Fred Dickenson and John Prentice: Le Balafre (75-I)
    • On back cover: back list for all previous issues, but not the "Les espadons" book.
  • "Modesty Blaise" by Peter O'Donnel and Jim Holdaway: Echec a monsieur sun (75-III)
    • On back cover: back list for all previous issues, the "Corrigan Agent Secret X-9" and the "Pim Pam Poum" Se dechainent book, but not the "Les espadons" book.
  • "Corrigan Agent Secret X-9" by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson: Le F.B.I. joue et gagne (75-IV)
    • On back cover: back list for all previous issues and the "Pim Pam Poum" Se dechainent book, but not the "Les espadons" book.
  • Note: the "Pim Pam Poum" Se dechainent was never printed.