Gran Bonete

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Coleccion Gran Bonete

First issue
Country/language: Argentina / Spanish
Publishing company: Editorial Manuel Láines Ltd.
Publishing years: 1954-1958
Issues: 36(?)
Format: 23 × 19.5 cm, b/w

Gran Bonete was published by Editorial Manuel Láines.

Issue overview

Regular series

The Gran Bonete series printed newspaper stories (1952-1956) with "Fantomas (The Phantom) by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy, "Brick Bradford" by Paul Norris, "Mandrake (the Magician) by Lee Falk and Phil Davis", "El Agente Secreto X9 (Secret Agent X-9)" by Mel Graff, "Roldán el Temerario (Flash Gordon) by Dan Barry and "Big Ben Bolt" by John Cullen Murphy. In addition some issues also have shorter stories like "Henry" by Don Trachte.

The series was as a monthly series (4 issues in 1954, 9 issues in 1955, 8 issues in 1956 and (at least) 11 in 1957 (with a special 100 pages issue / #32).