Diario de Costa Rica

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Diario de Costa Rica was an Costa Rica newspaper, founded 1885 (first edition on January 1) and published in San José (Costa Rica).

Concerning "Mandrake the Magician", one Sunday strip story ("The Singing Devils") has been featured in the "Diario de Costa Rica", for 17 consecutive days, from February 2 to 18, 1949, before Daily stories published from March 23, 1949 to (at least) November 21, 1961.

Several King Features Syndicate comics were also regulary published in the newspaper, such as "El Fantasma" ("The Phantom"), "Educando a Papa" ("Bringing Up Father"), "Popeye el marino" ("Popye the sailor"), "Brick Bradford el indomable" (Brick Bradford"), and - through "United Feature Syndicate" - "Tierras Gemelas" ("Twin Earths").
