Fantomen 15/1993

From MandrakeWiki
Fantomen 15/1993
(#1050 since the start 1950)

Cover artist: Rolf Gohs
Country/language: Sweden / Swedish
Format: 17 × 26 cm
Pages: 100 pgs, full color
Publishing date: July 19, 1993
Editor: Björn Ihrstedt
Publishing company: Semic Press
Preceded by: Fantomen 14/1993
Followed by: Fantomen 18/1993
ISSN 0345-3243

Fantomen 15/1993


Mandrake stories

Other comics

  • "The Phantom", Aron by Tony DePaul and Hans Lindahl.
  • "The Phantom", Diamantkriget by Magnus Knutsson and Jaime Vallvé.
  • "Vi å pappa" by Krister Petersson.
  • "Rick O'Shay" by Stan Lynde.
  • "Herman Hedning" by Jonas Darnell.