O Globo Juvenil 1607

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O Globo Juvenil #1607

Cover artist: W.Maig (?)
Country/language: Brazil / Portuguese
Format: 28 × 33 cm
Pages: 16 pgs, color & b/w
Publishing date: September 30, 1947
Editor: Roberto Marinho
Publishing company: O Globo
Preceded by: O Globo Juvenil #1601
Followed by: O Globo Juvenil #1608


Mandrake stories

Other comics

  • "Jim Gordon", Aventura no Alasca (ending part) by Roy Crane
  • "Super-Homem" ("Superman"), Contra O Galhofeiro (part 17) by Wayne Boring (1946 daily strips / original title: The Prankster's peculiar premonitions)
  • "Fantasma" ("The Phantom"), O homem sinistro by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy (1946 daily strips / original title: Mister Hog)
  • "Nick Holmes" ("Rip Kirby"), Um caso complicado (part 6) by Alex Raymond (1946 daily strips / original title: Death in the doll's house)
  • "Jim das Selvas" ("Jungle Jim"), "no title" by Alex Raymond (part / August 11, 1946 Sunday strip / color)
  • "Flash Gordon", "no title" by Alex Raymond (part 4 / August 11, 1946 Sunday page / color / original title: The storm queen of Valkr)
  • "Kerry Drake", Pista da maleta (part) by Allen Saunders (uncerdited writer) and Alfred Andriola
  • "Ferdinando" ("Li'l Abner") by Al Capp (part 44 / April 14, 1946 Sunday page / color)
  • "Ás Smith" ("Scorchy Smith"), Novas aventuras (part) by John Terry
  • "Jack do Espaço" ("Smilin’ Jack"), Turbilhão da aventura (part 41) by Zack Mosley
  • "Aventuras de Clara" ("Hap Hopper, Washington CorresponSparling (John Edmond Sparling) dent") (part) by Jack