Collana Albi grandi avventure 19 (second serie)

From MandrakeWiki
Collana Albi Grandi Avventure #19

Cover artist: Giove Toppi
Country/language: Italy / Italian
Format: 27,4 × 19,6 cm
Pages: 16 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: September 8, 1946
Editor: unknown
Publishing company: Casa Editrice Nerbini
Preceded by: Mandrake #6
Followed by: Mandrake #8

Collana Albi grandi avventure #19, Mandrake #7.


Mandrake stories


  • "La.... diavolerie dei biciclettisti" by V. Baggioli. from: "Storia Anedottica dello Sport Italiano" p 250
  • "Varietà e curiosità"


Back Issues

The first print has the price tag L. 25 printed on the back cover. Later back issues has price tag: L. 35.


The cover was used first time: