Agência Portuguesa de Revistas

From MandrakeWiki

Agência Portuguesa de Revistas (= "Portuguese Magazine Agency") is a Potuguese publisher house founded in 1948 by Mário de Aguiar and António Joaquim Dias. It is also known under the edition name of Aguiar & Dias, Lda. In the fifties and sixties, the Agency has published more than 50 different titles, including magazines and comics, with a circulation of several thousand of copies per week, and - among these titles - the most sucessful being Mundo de Aventuras which featured such classical comics series as "Flash Gordon", "Mandrake the Magician", "Big Ben Bolt", "Prince Valiant", "Brick Bradford", "Cisco Kid", "Rip Kirby", "Johnny Hazard", "Buck Jones" and "Superman"...

Mandrake publications published by "Agência Portuguesa de Revistas"/"Aguiar & Dias, Lda"

Title Year(s)
Mundo de Aventuras 1949-1973
Colecção Condor 1951-1956
Condor Popular 1954-1972
Audácia 1954-1957
Tigre 1955-1963
Colecção Grilo 1956-1957
Colecção Águia 1954-1957
Selecções 1961-1963
Ciclone 1961-1972
Condor (revista semanal) 1972-1986
Mundo de Aventuras Especial 1975-1983
Mandrake (Agência Portuguesa de Revistas) 1979


[1], article by João Manuel Mimoso